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  • Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA - 2013, Master of Arts in Philosophy                                                                            
  • University of South Africa, Pretoria, S.A. - 2008, Doctor of 的ology in Systematic 的ology. 的sis: “Dei Fide: A Relational 的ology of the Faith of God”
  • University of South Africa, Pretoria, S.A. - 2005, Master of 的ology in Systematic 的ology (with Honors). Dissertation of limited scope: “A Critical and Constructive Defence of the Salvific Optimism of Inclusivism”
  • Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA - 1998, Master of Arts in Religion. 论文:“克拉克. Pinnock: A Paradigm Shift in the Doctrine of God”
  • 太平洋基督教学院, 富勒顿, CA - 1989, Bachelor of Arts in Church Growth and Biblical Studies (double major)                                                                


  • 希望国际大学, 富勒顿, CA
  • 哲学和神学教授  -  1998 - Present


  • 圣经神学
  • Christian Worldview and Contemporary Living
  • 批判性思维和论证
  • 当代神学
  • 早期基督教历史 & 文学
  • 道德 & 当代问题
  • 电影 & 人类状况
  • 伦理基础
  • 哲学概论
  • 后现代主义 & 看电影
  • 宗教神学


  • 信任哲学
  • 宗教哲学
  • Relationship between faith and science             


  • 的 God Who Trusts: A Relational 的ology of Divine Faith, Hope, and Love  (downners Grove: IVP Academic, 2019).
  • 康涅狄格州ecting Faith and Science: Philosophical and 的ological Inquiries, editor (with Matthew Hill) (Claremont: Claremont School of 的ology Press, 2017).
  • In Spirit and in Truth: Philosophical Reflections on Liturgy and Worship, editor (with Matthew Hill) (Claremont: Claremont School of 的ology Press, 2016).
  • By Faith and Reason: 的 Essential Keith Ward, coeditor (with Roberto Sirvent) (London: Darton, 朗文 & Todd Ltd, 2012).


  • “所以你说上帝是骗子!’ An Unbiased Comparison of Science and Religion.”  In 的 Simpsons' Beloved Springfield: Essays on the TV Series and Town That Are Part of Us All, eds. Karma Waltonen and Denise Du Vernay (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishers, 2019).
  •  “Is 的re Anything Natural about Methodological Naturalism?评普兰廷加的批评者.” In 康涅狄格州ecting Faith and Science: Philosophical and 的ological Inquiries, eds. 马修·尼尔森·希尔和Wm. Curtis Holtzen (Claremont, CA: Claremont School of 的ology Press, 2017).
  • “哲学神学.” In 的ologians and Philosophers Using Social Media: Advice, Tips, and Testimonies, ed. Thomas Jay Oord (圣地亚哥:Sacra Sage出版社,2017).
  • “Believe It or Not, God Has Faith in You.” In Uncontrolling Love: Essays Exploring the Love of God, eds. 克里斯·贝克等人. (圣地亚哥:Sacra Sage出版社,2017).
  • 《圣. 莱纳斯.” In Peanuts and Philosophy: You’re a Wise Man, Charlie Brown, eds. Richard Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene (Chicago: Open Court, 2016).
  • “Gadamer’s Hermeneutic of Trust—Ontological and Reflective” (co-authored with Matthew Nelson Hill). In In Spirit and in Truth: Philosophical Reflections on Liturgy and Worship, eds. Wm. Curtis Holtzen and Matthew Nelson Hill (Claremont: Claremont School of 的ology Press, 2016).
  • “关系中的信念”.” In Relational 的ology: A Contemporary Introduction, eds. 布林特·蒙哥马利,托马斯·杰伊·奥德, & 凯伦·温斯洛. (圣地亚哥:Point Loma Press/Wipf & 股票出版社,2012).
  • “Bruce (not so) Almighty: Divine Limitation and Human Transformation.” In 希望散文, ed. 约瑟夫·基粒. (富勒顿: 希望国际大学 Press, 2012).
  • 《上帝不安分的心.” In 我们之间的爱, eds. 达林L. Grinder和Thomas Jay Oord. (丹佛:市郊出版社,Inc .., 2009).



  • ”回顾 信任哲学,“eds. 保罗·福克纳 & 托马斯•辛普森. 哲学回顾 卷. 39, No. 3 (2019): 127-28.
  • ”回顾 的ology in the Flesh: How Embodiment and Culture Shape the Way We Think about Truth, 道德, 和上帝,约翰·桑德斯. 哲学回顾 卷. 37, No. 4 (2017): 163-165.
  • ”回顾 的ology and the End of Doctrine,” by Christine Helmer. 斯通-坎贝尔杂志卷. 20, No. 1(2017春季):103-105.
  • ”回顾 Uncontrolling Love of God,” by Thomas Jay Oord. 斯通-坎贝尔杂志卷. 19, No. 2(秋季2016):258-59.
  • ”回顾 Within the Love of God: Essays on the Doctrine of God in Honour of Paul S. Fiddes”,《. 安东尼·克拉克和安德鲁·摩尔. 哲学回顾 卷. 36, No. 5 (2016): 189-192.
  • ”回顾 Trust of People, Words, 和上帝: A Route for 宗教哲学,” by 约瑟夫·J. 戈弗雷. 哲学回顾 卷. 33, No. 4 (2013): 291-93.
  • ”回顾 Divine Humanity: Kenosis and the Construction of a Christian 的ology,” by David Brown. 斯通-坎贝尔杂志卷. 16, No. 1(2013春季):107-108.
  • 回顾《万有独一神? Probing Pluralist Identities,” by Garth Hallett. 哲学评论卷. 31, No. 6 (2011):  417-19.
  • ”回顾 Creation Made Free: Open 的ology Engaging Science,” ed. 托马斯Oord. Stone-Campbell杂志 卷. 14, No. 1 (2011): 93-95.
  • ”回顾 宗教与科学:导论布兰登·斯威特曼著. 哲学回顾 卷. 31, No. 2 (2011):  153-55.
  • ”回顾 Perspective on the Doctrine of God: 4 Views布鲁斯·A. 威尔,保罗·赫尔姆,罗杰·E. 奥尔森和约翰·桑德斯. Stone-Campbell杂志 卷. 13, No. 1 (2010): 105-108.
  • ”回顾 Dietrich Bonhoeffer: An Introduction to His Thought,作者:Sabine Dramm. Stone-Campbell杂志 卷. 12, No. 1 (2009): 87-89.
  • ”回顾 C.S. Lewis and Human Suffering: Light among the Scholars,玛丽·A. 康涅狄格州. Stone-Campbell杂志 卷. 11, No. 2 (2008): 263-64.


“In Persons We Trust: Why Only Persons Trust and are Trusted.”                                                                                   2018

李大学 卫斯理哲学学会

“Faith, Hope, and Love: Human and Divine Virtues.”                                                                                                      2016                                     

伦敦大学海斯罗普学院 员工研究研讨会

“所以你说上帝是骗子?’ An Unbiased Comparison of Springfield’s War over Science and Religion.”                     

Point Loma拿撒勒大学, 卫斯理哲学学会

“God Believes what God does not Know,”                                                                                                                    2014

达拉斯, 的 Randomness and Foreknowledge Conference                                             

“Bruce (not so) Almighty: Divine Limitation and Human Transformation,”                                                                     

约翰逊基督教大学, Stone Campbell期刊会议

“We Can’t Go On Together with Suspicious Minds: Gadamer and the Hermeneutics of Trust,”                                         2013

亚利桑那州立大学, American Academy of Religion Western Regional

“Losing Faith in Suspicion: Gadamer and the Hermeneutics of Trust,”

西雅图太平洋大学, 卫斯理哲学学会

“‘这对你有好处吗?’ Religious Experience and the Virtuosity Test,”                                                                              2012

Trevecca Nazarene大学, 卫斯理哲学学会

“Universal Love - Particular Knowledge: In Search of an Open and Inclusive 的ology,”

Trevecca Nazarene大学, 卫斯理神学院

“Bruce (not so) Almighty: Divine Limitation and Human Transformation,”                                                                      2011

南卫理公会大学 卫斯理哲学学会会议

“Bruce (not so) Almighty: Relational 的ism Hits the Big Screen,”

冈萨加和惠特沃斯大学, 信仰、电影与哲学                                                                                  2009

“Genesis 1-3: A Narrative Interpretation,” CSU 富勒顿, for the class 创建/进化

每学期讲课.                                                                                                                                   2000-2017



HIU年度杰出仆人领袖                                                                                                                                  2015                          

卫斯理哲学学会(总统 2015-2016)                                                                                           2010年至今

卫斯理神学院                                                                                                                                    2012年至今

Open and Relational 的ologies Steering Committee                                                                                                2011-2018

美国宗教学会                                                                                                                         2003年至今

基督教哲学家协会                                                                                                                                2015年至今